Articles tagged with python
Python 3.13 gets a JIT — Anthony Shaw
It’s not only data engineering, but probably will change the whole development landscape: Python gets JIT, which opens a door to massive performance improvements in future!
Why your mock doesn’t work — Ned Batchelder
I often come across the situations where my Mock didn’t work as I expected. I hate Python for that. This pretty short article showed me that I should hate someone else [most likely underinvestment into language]. I just misunderstood the basics. Must-read article which provides a brief explanation of how exactly variable assignment in import statements works in Python and what we should keep in mind working with Mock.
Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the Hood — Jake VanderPlas @ Pythonic Perambulations Blog.
Indeed, why? Great article by the multiple python books author.
Python Performance Tuning: 20 Simple Tips — Kevin Cunningham @ Stackify Blog.
What do we love more than performance tuning? Performance tuning in the most performant language!